martes, 7 de junio de 2016


Consultando en diferentes fuentes llegamos a la conclusión de que sólo nuestra última teoría estaba mal, ya que el proceso de preparación era mucho más complejo del que esperábamos:
·         Separar las claras de huevo de las yemas y batir a punto de nieve.
·         Mezclar el choclo con la manteca, la mantequilla, el queso, el azúcar, polvo de hornear, las yemas y la sal.
·         Cuando este mezclado todo se debe incorporar las claras batidas a punto de nieve con movimientos envolventes.
·         En las hojas de choclo poner una porción  de masa y envolver.
·         Cocinar sobre una cama de tusas de choclo por espacio de una hora.


At the beginning of our project we ask certain questions, all related to the origin and crossing of the humita. In the course of our research we could see if our theories were true or false, we were setting that: The humita has a Latin American and pre-Columbian origin, and it was related to the culture of our country for this reason. We had also proposed that the basic ingredients were corn tamale and cheese, and it has a simple preparatio.
Consulting on different sources we concluded that only our last theory was wrong, because the preparation process was much more complex than we expected:
• Separate the egg whites from the yolks and beat until stiff.
• Mix the corn with butter, butter, cheese, sugar, baking powder, egg yolks and salt.
• When mixing all must incorporate the beaten egg whites to soft peaks with outflanking.
• In the corn husks put a portion of dough and wrap.

• Cooking on a bed of corn cobs for about an hour.

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